End Of Line System

End of line automation is the automated machinery at the end of a production/manufacturing line that packages the newly manufactured product ready for market Moving from manual operations, through semi-automatic operations to fully automated packaging lines offers advantages to packagers. Other than the obvious control of lab our costs,quality can be more consistent,and through put can be optimized.

Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contents.

Secondary packaging includes cardboard cartons, cardboard boxes, cardboard/plastic crates, trays, paperboard cartons, shrink wrapped bundles, trayed PET bottles held with shrink wrap, taped or glued cardboard cartons containing cans of food, Pouches of food, Consumable material.

Tertiary or transit packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage and transport shipping. The most common form is a palletized unit load that packs tightly into containers.